EZPLC Jr. Features

Innovative Unique Features

  • Highest Processing power per cubic inch.
  • Highest Reliability and Noise Immunity in industry.
  • Lowest cost high end PLC includes base of 32 rugged I/O + I/O Modules.
  • 3-4 EZPLC Jrs for the cost of 1 Automationdirect equivalent PLC.
  • Incredibly condensed, 31 different combo plug-in I/O modules.
  • Easiest Drag-n-Drop programming software
  • Free Flow Logic cuts down number of rungs by at least 50%
  • Advanced functionalities, Math, High Speed counters.
  • 32 bit Floating point Math and Logic
  • 8 Auto tuned PID loops and unique PID monitor
  • Highest processing speed, 60µs response to Interrupt
  • Drum Sequencer, and send to marquee instruction
  • Advanced instructions: Data convert, move block, bit move, strings and subroutines
  • Password protection for OEM/SI investment
  • Flash Memory Module to upload program without laptop, software or cable
  • Status LED for each I/O in every model and Plug-in Terminal Blocks.

EZPLC Jr. Features & Benefits

Note: EZPLC Jr. is the Lowest Cost modular PLC in the EZPLC line of products. It has all the same features as the standard EZPLC except it does not have Real Time Clock and other communication ports. It is limited to 4 I/O Modules. However all 31 Cube I/O Modules plug in to EZPLC Jr.

Highest Processing power per cubic inch.

EZPLC Jrs are uniquely compact, living up to the AVG theme of “Maximum Processing Power per cubic inch”. AVG is a vertically integrated company with in-house capability of high density PCBs, thick film hybrids, flexible boards and semiconductors allowing us to be extremely innovative. We introduced a truly compact modular PLC concept with a non-traditional approach to plug-in IO modules. These compact modules have incredible processing power, for example optically isolated 4 of 12 bit Analog inputs and 4 of 12 bit analog outputs in a 2x2x1 inch package that plugs into its base and has a removable plug-in terminal block!! EZPLC Jr. has 8192 Registers, 64 KB of program memory, Flash memory, along with a rich and powerful instruction set of 32 bit floating point math and function blocks.

3-4 EZPLC Jr.'s for the cost of 1 Automationdirect equivalent PLC.

PLCDirect before it became AutomationDirect in 2000 made its name by offering 2 for 1, that is two of their PLCs for one of Allen Bradley. In every bench mark, now you can get two of EZPLC Jr.'s for one of theirs, and ours are Designed and Made in America, but shipped to you Factory Direct to save you the 50+% of mark-up of the national importer. For more details check the comparisons. For example, a 32 I/O EZPLC Jr. with 4 12-bit Analog In and 4 12-bit Analog Out costs less than $330!!

Fastest Processing Time.

EZPLC Jr.'s have a scan time of 3 ms for 1000 instructions including overhead. In addition, it has high speed interrupt Inputs and Quadrature Encoder/PLS feature to respond to position change in 100 microseconds.

8 Auto tuned PID loops and unique PID monitor

 EZPLC Jr. not only has 8 Auto tuned PID loops, it has a unique PID monitor that gives you a graphical representation of the process being controlled by the PID.

Highest processing speed, 60µs response to Interrupt

EZPLC Jr. has a special interrupt feature which allows it to respond, from screw to screw, to an interrupt input from EZIOP-4DCI4DCIF module in 60 microseconds.

Drum Sequencer, and send to marquee instruction

EZPLC Jr. has a unique drum sequencer function which will control the outputs sequentially either time based or event based.
Send to Marquee instruction allows the EZPLC Jr. to generate an ASCII string and send it to a Marquee connected to the EZPLC Jr.

Advanced instructions: Data convert, move block, bit move, strings and subroutines

EZPLC Jr. has all the Advanced Instructions usually found only in PLC costing 10 times more.

Password protection for OEM/SI investment

This exceptionally Innovative feature allows an OEM or SI to protect his investment in the PLC program by requiring the program to be password protected so that the program cannot be viewed, edited or copied.

Flash Memory Module to upload program without laptop, software or cable

EZPLC Jr. has another exceptionally innovative unique feature that allows a flash memory module to upload a program to the PLC without a laptop, software or cable. All you have to do is plug-in this flash memory module in to any PLC I/O slot, power the PLC up and the program will be uploaded in fraction of a second.

Highest Reliability and Noise Immunity in industry.

EZPLC Jr. has been designed to meet the HALT/HASS standards that are used for electronic products used in the space program for shuttle launch, which means high shock and vibration along with thermal shock. In addition, the EZPLC Jr. has a very high immunity to noise.

Incredibly condensed, 31 different combo and Specialty plug-in I/O modules.

Besides the compactness, customers find the mix-n-match configurations of EZ IO modules to be very attractive. We have 31 different modules where as we have DC In and DC Out, AC and DC mixed, Analog In and Out mixed, Relay modules mixed, allowing an unparalleled flexibility in configuring a PLC system. In fact, our engineering innovation forced the industry to change. 14 years later a lot more PLC manufacturers are offering mix IO modules but EZ is still at the top. We also have RTD, Thermocouple, High Speed Counter, and PWM modules.
The IO modules are world class with features better than from top line PLCs, Optical isolation, Short circuit proof outputs, LED indicators next to plug-in terminals, Easy to insert and lock in IO modules, all with the highest functionality per cubic inch.

Easiest Drag-n-Drop programming software with Advanced math, PID, and Function blocks

Programming software is extremely powerful yet simple. It is intuitive, and has already been used by tens of thousands of engineers without ever attending a class. Buy a Starter Kit with Programming Software almost free, and experience it yourself.

Free Flow Logic to cut down number of rungs

Unrestricted free flow logic allows the number of rungs in typical PLC program to cut down number of rungs by half.

Lowest cost 32 I/O Modular PLC

EZPLC Jr. has been designed to be the Best Modular PLC in its class. Unlike Click PLC from Automationdirect, it has the same software features as the standard EZPLC. Click is low cost for sure, but it has just 21 step instructions, no Run time edits, no 32 bit Math, no Function blocks, no PID, and no short circuit protection. Unlike Click, the EZPLC Jr. is a full fledged PLC that has the same EZPLC operating system, same software and accepts the same IO blocks including RTD, Thermocouple and PWM modules. Only thing it does not have is a Real Time Clock, but when used in conjunction with an HMI with RTC, you have it.

Status LED for each I/O in every model and Plug-in Terminal Blocks.

We have served the Automation industry since 1968. In fact, one of the AVG divisions, Uticor is the inventor of PLCs themselves. We have been around the block and totally understand the value of maintenance and down time in a manufacturing plant. We always make troubleshooting as convenient and EZ as possible. That is why, all our IO points have an LED right next to the output terminal and the terminal block is always Ezily removable and plug-in.