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EZRack I/O Features & Benefits

Innovative Unique Features

  • 16 point DC, AC, Relay, Analog, Specialty Plug-in IO modules
  • EZRack I/O (17 models) with patent pending design to avoid broken tabs.
  • EZRack I/O plug in to EZRackPLC and all DL205/Do-More racks.
  • 40% savings over DL206/Do-More modules with better specifications.
  • 17 modules with DC In, DC Out, AC In, AC Out, Digital and Analog combined, AC/DC Mixed, Analog, Temperature and speciality
  • Rack Mount DC Input Modules have Red/Green LEDs to indicate Sink or Source inputs.
  • All IO modules optically isolated for highest immunity to electrical noise.
  • Plug-in but secured firmly for high shock and vibration environments.
  • All DC Outputs Short Circuit Proof
  • Better, Faster, higher current ratings across the board.
  • Maintenance Friendly, Removable Plug-in Terminal Blocks
  • Status LED for each I/O in every model.

EZRack I/O Features & Benefits

16 point DC, AC, Relay, Analog, Specialty Plug-in IO modules

Our IO modules are world class and quite innovative. 16 Point Rack mount IO modules are used in the EZRackPLC. These are DC Input, DC Output both Sink and Source, Relay Output modules, Analog Input, Analog Outputs (both current and voltage, 12 bit or 16 bit), high speed counter/PLS modules, PWM Modules, RTD and Thermocouple modules.

EZRack I/O has many mix-n-match modules with DC In, DC Out as well as Digital and analog combination modules.

16 Point Rack Mount I/O (17 modules) with patent pending design to avoid broken tabs.

We currently have 17 different Rack Mount IO modules with the same flexibility as our Cube modules. In addition to providing modular IO for EZRackPLCs and associated series of products, these are designed to enhance the functionality of the DL205 racks from Automationdirect and also solve their annoying tab-break problem. ADC tabs always break at some point in time making their modules not so secure. Our patent pending design gets rid of the tabs and is extremely secure and still plugs right into EZ as well as ADC 205 racks.

All IO modules optically isolated for highest immunity to electrical noise.

All our IO modules have optical isolation to provide maximum noise immunity to the PLC, TouchPLC or Remote IO these modules are plugged into. This way the electrical disturbances outside the products, such as start and stop of big motors and other inductive loads, do not affect the operation of our products.

Plug-in but secured firmly for high shock and vibration environments.

Rack IO modules have the patent pending mechanical design that secures the module firmly into the rack without having to lock a tab which other always breaks. These modules and systems have been tested for very high shock and vibration, called the Highly Accelerated Life Test (HALT) and Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS) procedures employed in the testing of products used in the space programs such as space shuttle entry and reentry.

All DC Outputs Short Circuit Proof

All our DC output modules have the feature of measuring output current and limiting the current. Thus these modules have short circuit proof outputs to avoid in case of a wiring short or stuck load. The DC output shuts itself until the short is removed.

Better, Faster, higher current ratings across the board.

When you compare our IO modules to our competitors, our ratings are always better, voltage ratings, current ratings, temperature ratings, on-off and response time. Check the comparison section on the website.

Maintenance Friendly, Removable Plug-in Terminal Blocks, Status LED for each IO next to the Terminal

We have served the Automation industry since 1968. In fact, one of the AVG divisions, Uticor is the inventor of PLCs themselves. We have been around the block and totally understand the value of maintenance and down time in a manufacturing plant. We always make troubleshooting as convenient and EZ as possible. That is why, all our IO points have an LED right next to the output terminal and the terminal block is always Ezily removable and is a plug-in. First the maintenance person has to troubleshoot the system to pin point the problem area with the help of status LED indicators, then the suspect module can be easily replaced without touching the wires. Assuming the system has 50 IO points, if these aids were not there, it would take more than 3-4 hours to troubleshoot and fix the system. With EZ products, you can do the same in ten minutes.